Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Season

Never thought I would say this, but can I have my morning coffee please?
I like my coffee strong with lots of milk and brown sugar! 
       Thomas and I took an overnight trip to Jerusalem last week and chose to stay at a lovely Bed and Breakfast in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City. The following morning we were invited to eat at a local Jewish Bakery with some friends whom we had met the evening before. I am officially in love with Jewish Bakeries! see for yourself :) As we sat down one of our friends picked up a newspaper that was on the table next to us and wouldn't you know, Thomas Sanders was on the second page of the sports section!!! I was so excited, I had to take a picture :) and of course we packed it away to bring home with us! We have no idea what it said as it was all in Hebrew but just seeing him in the Jerusalem newspaper was cool enough for me!
 Headed to the Bakery!
 Would you like Carmel? Chocolate? or Powder Sugar?

 My favorite were the lovely croissants with every kind of filling you can imagine. I choose apple filling :) 
 Thomas in the local Jerusalem newspaper!
Walking through the Old City is quite the adventure with luggage, cobblestone pathways, and passing cars!

          John and Kathy Makinson are family friends of mine for many years, and when they heard I was moving to Israel they put me in contact with a dear friend of theirs who happened to be living here in Israel.  The Niebur's have now become dear friends to us as well. Mike and Alis, currently live in Jerusalem have four children, all of whom have all been raised in Israel and also served in the Israeli military. We were honored to have Mike give us a morning tour of the old city. 
          The most interesting place we visited was called the “Southern Wall”, which has just recently been excavated. Virtually every tour that comes to Israel visits the historic and famous Western Wall.  This is for good reason, in that it is one of the holiest sites in the world for Jews and is also part of King Solomon's original temple mount.  However, mike took us to the much less famed "Southern Wall".  This wall is significant for several reasons.  The first is that on this face of the wall there are steps that also lead up to the Original Temple Mount, similar to that of the western Wall.  However, after recent excavations these steps are now believed the same steps that King Solomon would have had carved out of the stone over 3,000 years ago! 
          Skip forward 1,000 years to Christ' time to this same Southern Wall.  History tells us that only the religious leaders and priest would have been allowed to enter the temple through the Western Wall, and so the "common people"  such as Jesus and his followers would have regularly entered the temple from the gates on the Southern Wall.  Therefore it is presumed that this is one of the few un-touched places in Israel where one can actually walk in the places where Jesus would have walked.... on the same steps, in the same places! Truly fascinating! 
          Skip forward another few decades.  On the steps leading up to the Southern Wall is again the probable spot for another famous biblical event.  This is the believed site where Peter preached his message at Pentecost and 3,000 were saved that day.  less than 20 years ago excavations revealed that on these steps are hundreds of small cleansing pools scattered all through the stairs.  In Jesus' period any Jew wishing to go onto the temple mount would have first needed to go cleanse and purify themselves  in these pools, to be "baptized" before proceeding to the Temple Mount to offer their sacrifice.  So the Southern Wall, being the place where "commoners" entered would have needed many of these cleansing pools.  The excavations revealed just that!  The book of Acts records that Peter spoke to a large crowd, and that 3,000 were baptized that day.  this would be the only place in the ancient city that could realistically support this number of people, and that would have enough running water and pools to baptize this number of people!  needless to say this was an amazing stop for us both.  
          Just to imagine that King Solomon designed and walked these steps 3,00 years ago, only to have Jesus and his disciples follow on these same steps, through the same gates.  Then for one of the greatest events in history, and the founding of the modern day church to occur at this same location!  I truly was Amazed!  so much history in such a small place!
"Southern Wall"
 Thomas in one of the cleansing pools.
 Hundreds and Hundreds of ritual baths, and cleansing pools were discovered during the excavation.
Mike reading from Acts2 and  teaching Thomas and I about the history and significance of the Southern Wall. The gates closed off behind us would have been where the common people entered into the temple.

       Christmas has been slowing approaching and only in our home do we feel it. Also, the sunny typical days have been in the low 70s which don't help to bring the Christmas spirit either, but we are enjoying lots of time outside and grateful to have such nice weather! Hanukkah is the traditional holiday that is celebrated here in Israel. Our neighbor kindly shared some of the traditional doughnuts they had made for Hanukkah yesterday evening. We had eaten three of them before I managed to get a picture to post :)

      Thomas and I did manage to find a few Christmas trees that probably total in height, half of your trees, hahaha but we are happy to have something to remind us of the Christmas spirit back home. As newly weds experiencing holidays for the first time together, Thomas and I have been discussing lots of traditions we hope to keep for our family in years to come. Christmas time is a time in which we honor the birth of Jesus, which led us to a nativity set. We have traveled through many markets while here and always find ourselves looking at the olive wood nativity sets. Thomas and I discussed that this year we wanted to get something very special and unique to Israel that we could keep forever and would always remember. During this season what better gift to get than a nativity set!! We were delighted when we came across the prefect one in the Jerusalem market! This is a gift we will always treasure from the Lord's Promise Land!

                                    Our Christmas gift to each other! 
Blessings from Israel! Have a Merry Christmas! Let us all remember the reason for this season-Our Savior, Jesus Christ was born!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Merry Christmas from Israel

                                  Our lovely online Christmas card! 
I hope all of you back home are enjoying this Christmas Season!   We sure miss our family, friends and the Christmas spirit, but are so grateful for the opportunity that God has given us to spend this season in Israel with each other.  Over the past 4 months Thomas and I have been able to travel to numerous fascinating and beautiful places all over this incredible country of Israel.  I have blogged and recorded many of these experiences, but have intentionally left out many of my favorites in anticipation for a special Christmas project that I have been working on for the past month.  This slideshow is a collage from different places, times, and experiences that we have shared together that are so special to us.  We hope you enjoy, and that God may use it to bless you during this Christmas season!

 PS: The slideshow has music to it!!!
If you would like view the slideshow bigger and with more clarity,tomorrow, Saturday the 17th, the video will be viewable on youtube (under Thomas and Kayla Christmas) or you can see it now through a link on my facebook page. Hope you all enjoy!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday Morning Treat

Every Friday morning I walk across the street to visit our yemen neighbor, Daniella who makes her own laffa bread. She has her own workshop under her house where she prepares the laffa from 6am until 12:30pm for all the families in the moshav. Neighbors drop by at their appointed time to pick up their laffa bread. Each laffa is 4 shekels, about $1.25. Laffa bread is a thick, soft flat-bread similar to pita bread. Most families serve this bread at the beginning of their Shabbat meal- after a prayer has been given and a wine glass has been passed around.. Thomas and I have been enjoying the laffa bread as a Friday morning treat with honey or cream cheese-very tasty!

 I love this sweet lady! She knows as much English as I know Hebrew :), but we enjoy smiling and seeing each other every Friday!

Heading home!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A visit from family

          How honored Thomas and I were to host our first guest over the Thanksgiving Holiday! Our hearts were overfilled with joy when we got the officially word that Caroline and Steve would be coming over (my sister in-law & her husband)! We immediately began to think about the best restaurants and our favorite locations that we didn’t want them to miss out on. As their arrival approached we found great pleasure in cleaning and preparing our home for family; I called it the “Sanders Inn & Guest House”, we were thrilled to share our home.

         Caroline and Steve arrived on game day! We were able to make the game on time and enjoy the warmth of each other as the gym is so cold! After the game we came back home to the delight of Christmas presents sent from our families back in the States! We are so grateful Mom, Dad, Ama, Pops, Caroline, and Steve for your kindness and loving hearts. We are enjoying our gifts so much! Our decorations and stockings are out and on display to help us feel the Christmas cheer in our cozy home, our candy and treats are a nice change from the baklava and other Arabic desserts we often get. Our movies and TV series have also been a hit in keeping us up late at night! 

 Halftime: hot tea break!!!
 After the game!
 LOVED our Christmas gifts :) Thank you, Thank you!!!

          For those of you who have never been to Israel, there is so much to see! Caroline and Steve took several nights away from our home to travel and see other parts of the country. However, we were able to join them on several occasions between Thomas’s practice or when he had the day off. I don’t want to steal the thunder from Caroline and Steve’s experience in Israel, and I’m working on a special project for a Christmas blog, so I won’t share everything just yet, but I will share my favorites and lots of photos!

          One of my favorite things we were able to do all together was so special; something I will never forget and would do it all over again- a sunset cruise around the Sea of Galilee on a Christian worship boat! WOW! Talk about the Lord meeting you where you are! We joined the worship boat, “Faith” with a tour group of about 30 people who were all fellow believers and seeking the Lord presence. Our boat, “Faith”, was ran by a man named Daniel who came to know Christ several years back through working on these boat cruises. After hearing the gospel message repeatedly each trip out for over a year, he responded to God’s call on his life. He soon became a guided boat captain, and started his on worship boat called “Faith”. We cruised to the center of the Sea where we stopped and Daniel led us in Hebrew/English worship service- powerful experience! 
 Our boat, "Faith"

 Daniel, the captain of the boat, "Faith"

 Tour group leader

          Of course another favorite must be the meal we prepared for Thanksgiving! We chose to have our Thanksgiving meal the week after the actual date, once Caroline and Steve arrived back to our house for the later part of their trip. There is no comparison to shopping in Israel and shopping in the US when it comes to grocery stores, but it sure is an adventure every time!

         Thanks to Caroline, our Thanksgiving meal was pretty close to what most of you probably enjoyed as well. She was able to bring over cranberries for homemade cranberry sauce , pumpkin in can which turned out DELICIOUS, stove top turkey stuffing, and from the grocery store “BIG” we picked up chicken to grill, sweet potatoes to caramelize with butter, and brown sugar, and green beans to complete our Thanksgiving meal! After preparing this meal I now have two new favorites in which I never use to touch at Thanksgiving time: real cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie! I’m not sure if the enjoyment came from having American style food or simply the taste, but they are new to my list even if it’s not Thanksgiving! 

 We didn't want to pay 5shekels ($2) for a cart so we tried to carry it all-it worked! haha
Loved cooking with you!
 Our wonderful meal!
 I enjoyed SO much!!!

 One down, one to go :) and wishing we still had some!

Every Saturday afternoon after church Thomas and I stop at a local Druze fruit market in Daliyat el Carmel and stock up on fruit and veggies! Our typical list consist of oranges, granny smith apples, avocados, bananas, red peppers, and anything else that looks wonderful :) We were thrilled to show off the market to Caroline and Steve as they so eagerly joined in and shopped with us! 

Our last day together we stopped back by the Old City in Jerusalem, walked through the markets, checked out the Western Wall, had dinner in a small town called Ein Kerem, where John the Baptist is said to have been raised. We finished the evening off with ice cream and coffee on the port in Tel Aviv.

We sure miss you Caroline and Steve! We had a wonderful time and were truly blessed and honored to have you here with us! So grateful that the Lord provided this opportunity for you all to come to the Holy Land while we're here. We sure have lots of unique memories that you all have left us with! May we always cherish the special moments!. Love you both!

PS: I'm still working on my first scarf! I'm learning to knit, thanks to my sister, but I'm pretty slow. haha