Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday Morning Treat

Every Friday morning I walk across the street to visit our yemen neighbor, Daniella who makes her own laffa bread. She has her own workshop under her house where she prepares the laffa from 6am until 12:30pm for all the families in the moshav. Neighbors drop by at their appointed time to pick up their laffa bread. Each laffa is 4 shekels, about $1.25. Laffa bread is a thick, soft flat-bread similar to pita bread. Most families serve this bread at the beginning of their Shabbat meal- after a prayer has been given and a wine glass has been passed around.. Thomas and I have been enjoying the laffa bread as a Friday morning treat with honey or cream cheese-very tasty!

 I love this sweet lady! She knows as much English as I know Hebrew :), but we enjoy smiling and seeing each other every Friday!

Heading home!!!


  1. Looks yummy, Kayla! Have you learned to make it? Thanks for sharing. Love you, Ama

  2. That does look delicious! You should definitely learn how to make it if possible! Thanks for sharing your life on the blog! I love reading about your adventures in Israel! Love, Hannah
