Monday, January 2, 2012

Wrapping Up the Year 2011

with Christmas pancakes and Christmas cards. Thank you to all who sent us Christmas cards! We really enjoyed receiving them and hearing from you all. We kept them on display all December :) We loved each of your cards!

 Our lovely cards on display :)
 Our Neighbors brought us three dozen beautiful roses as a New Year's gift!!!

Thomas and I have been blessed beyond words this past year and are so anxious to see all the Lord has planned for us in 2012. Happy New Year to you and your families. Praying the Lord sends his blessings your way!

all our love from Israel.


  1. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, Kayla! I hope all is well. I am "following" you so that I can keep up with your adventures in Isreal!

  2. Happy New Year! We miss you guys so much. Thanks for keeping us updated through the blog! We loved watching your Christmas video! Love, Hannah
